In our watercolor workshop, we study color wheels of our own creation and palettes from the old masters as well as the modern artists. We travel through many techniques as we research the subject of our own interests. In the following workshops, we focused on learning to really see animals and plants from our hearts' eyes. This gave us a very intimate connection, which in turn led us, through our sharpened visual abilities, to create more realistic watercolors. All works shown in this section are watercolors.
In this workshop, we studied clay, its composition and origin, and used it to explore coils, slabs, textures, 2-D and 3-D life size creations. We also examined what our world is made of, starting with clay to "star stuff".
We found out that some believe that we are made of what the stars are made of. So we embarked on a self-discovery journey which took us through many further studies, including stars and astrology, Inner work, body-based feeling work, self-esteem building, journaling, family tree, anatomy and more. We saw how we are all one, no matter where we come from., and by the time we got down to creating our life-size self-portrait busts, we were pretty aware of who we are, and our creations just flowed like a river. |
In this class, we studied the different animals of our earth. By geographically locating them and creating stories filled with facts and heart, we got very well-acquainted with the animal kingdom with which we share our world.
Anatomy drawing also helped us really see what we were looking at and stories helped us feel the animals' spirits, which we are learning to include in our awareness. All students were first-timers at working with clay, but they succeeded easily as all can do when connected to the one heart in all life. |
In this workshop, we explored the magic of silk, including its discovery, its country of origin (China) and its people. We start by drawing as we explore the Chinese symbols and horoscopes to gain new perspectives. We also found out about the death penalty to anyone who tried to "exploit" the "secret of silk".
We realized how fragile life is, especially when in the hands of others... We also found out about other endangered people of our planet as we toured our planet to locate them geographically and also learn about their beliefs and ways of life. Our artistic creations were deeply inspired by their beauty, uniqueness, and the wisdom we all hold when we listen to our hearts, as they do. |
This art workshop took us on a tour of great masters' lives and styles. Each one of us researched our favorite and worked at our own impressions of their original works.
This class had a very European flavor, as we watched movies about these great classic masters' lives. We will one day extend our studies into a Europe Art Tour in which I will include French studies, which I am already teaching to small groups who want a head start in that topic. |
My fashion and textile workshop covers designing, weaving and sewing. We have great fun creating our own wardrobe from scratch!