Ancha's Personal History Woven Through her Powerful Experiences
Born from Hungarian political refugee parents In Switzerland, Ancha's early life might have seemed stricken by multiple misfortunes. In spite of that, she was deeply Inspired by spirituality and became an avid seeker after the meaning of life after losing her first beloved and soulmate before her twenties. As a teenager and young women, she experienced multiple encounters with death among her very close relationships. This led Ancha to explore various workshops and gatherings where she met Elizabeth Kubler-Ross and Krishnamurti, as well as other newly-emerging spiritual teachers.
Ancha also had a powerful childhood vision of becoming the voice for children through art, and this dream was reinforced by Krishnamurti's teachings on education. She followed this vision by attending the Floriana Institut de Pedagogie in Lausanne, Switzerland to learn how to teach, and she also become a European-certified Montessori Teacher for the k-12 age group, as well as a metaphysical counselor and healer.
In addition, her strong interest in alternative mind-body and vibrational therapies was sparked by various life experiences. For example, at the age of 15, she witnessed an instantaneous hands-on healing after a friend's accident. When she was 17, she suffered a severe burn over 45% of her body, which provoked a consciousness shift and an "out of body experience" as she became determined to experience healing in a different way. After becoming a mother, she healed herself of breast cancer at 38 when her children were just six and eight years old. She chose to use only deep tissue cleanses and juices by following the advice of Dr. Bernard Jesen, who was her teacher at the time. By 40, she had experienced spontaneous healings from broken bones, which also empowered her deeply like no formal education had ever done!
Graced by such healing miracles, her teaching gifts gained an incredible depth! Although she was ahead of her time, like many visionaries, her personal experiences were undeniable, and they gave her the unshakable strength to keep her faith, even when shunned by friends. She also realized as she traveled and delved further into her metaphysical studies that explanations for these miracles she had experienced were to be found in ancient mystical teachings from India and other cultures that she soon became fascinated by. In those days, very few talked as freely as we do today about things like creating one's reality, the power of thought and breath, mind over matter, and the significance of consciousness.
Throughout her studies in child psychology, education, spirituality, self-healing and personal empowerment, Ancha realized that she had developed her own strategies to cope with and survive emotionally, physically and spiritually as a child growing up in an alcoholic household where she was forced to become the adult. The highly-dysfunctional events she experienced that otherwise would have affected her deeply became her motivation as she Instinctively delved further into her inner realms!
Intuitively, she was discovering the skills needed for whole brain development that were discovered by leading brain researchers in recent years to help the integration and development of the human brain! This kept Ancha sane and nearly untouched by the many tragedies in her youth. Instead of becoming the victim, she immersed herself in her surroundings and stepped into her own empowerment as she instead became determined not to fall prey to the dysfunctional lifestyles she has witnessed throughout her youth. Her challenging past transformed into a well of wisdom for which she feels deeply grateful to be able to draw from in order to help and relate to others. Ancha's dedication to developing her personal empowerment was fundamental to the quantum leaps of her awakening, which is readily available to those who seek it diligently.
She undertook various further trainings to understand her unusual experiences more deeply and became a student of vipassana meditation and was also trained at the Kundalini Research Institute in kundalini yoga. This led her to take Conscious Pregnancy training, in order to heal her own pre-birth trauma from being in the womb while her 16 year old pregnant mother was fleeing on foot across the Austrian Mountains during the Hungarian Revolution after the Russian invasion in 1956.
After becoming a mother herself and raising her own children totally "off the grid" deep in the mountains of Northern California, Ancha completed the Avatar Master and Wizard Courses in Self-Empowerment in Florida. She also studied many aquatic and vibrational healing modalities at Harbin Hot Springs. Becoming a student ofEknath Eswaran and Ammachi, she was also invited to India to serve as an educator and orphanage volunteer. In addition, Ancha has been an ongoing student of Barbara Marx Hubbard, Hassim Haramein and Dr David Frawley in India, and she also graduated from Dr. Deepak Chopra's University in Southern California.
Ancha has dedicated her entire life to being in service to youth and women. Both of these passions of hers resulted from a very challenging childhood and an excruciating youth. Despite those difficulties, Ancha adores her mother and empathizes with her deep pain and has served as her caregiver and lifesaver through numerous alcoholic and suicidal episodes.
At the age of 9, Ancha said that her calling was being the voice for children through arts as she scraped her own art off her bedroom walls with a putty knife during her summer break from school. She had exhibited all of her artistic creations on the wall by affixing them with plenty of white glue, as little girls love to do, and had proudly filled up her bedroom walls from floor to ceiling! This event awakened Ancha to her life's calling, and she became determined to empower children to share their creative abilities with other children around the world via the arts as she never had the opportunity to do when she was young.
After her original training in Europe as a trainer and Montessori teacher, Ancha taught in Montessori Schools in seven different countries during her ongoing spiritual education. This inspired her to create two of her childhood dreams:
Ancha's calling to promote feminine empowerment came later, as she stepped into single motherhood and went through the fearful nightmare that any woman understands when she does not know what the future holds for her and her children. She and her beloved children went from an ideal dream-home life on 80 acres to a societal nightmare of competition and greed. Within her friendship with her own mother, many conversations ensued and were remembered. This left Ancha on fire to empower women! She set off on that journey and is now sharing how - in spite of her excruciating first 40 years - she is determined to create her next 40 years filled with the joy of belonging, the peace which comes from expanding beyond a limited view of reality, and the love that her life is filled with from the many grateful students she has touched so deeply!
All of those childhood dreams eventually came true, but her most recent creation of the Hermitage was nearly burned in the biggest wildfire storm in California history in 2015. Facing the roaring flames, which came a few hundred feet from the hill above the Hermitage, Ancha was already dreaming up her next move if her dream home was taken by the massive fire. Fortunately, the Hermitage was spared to remain and serve its purpose for a while longer. This precious place is Ancha's home, temple and a communal hermitage that offers a safe haven to women to educate themselves in the power of intuition and self-healing, just as Ancha has done.
Little did Ancha know when she first envisioned the Hermitage, this beautiful retreat nestled amidst mature oak and manzanita trees and enchanted with an endless view of majestic mountains and lovely Spirit Lake would be funded by private donations from grateful clients who created a "Pay-it-Forward Program" to help manifest her life's work! This Hermitage is also the home of "Joyful Alternatives in Healing Arts", which is an organization Ancha founded to promote and encourage youth empowerment. Her vision is now becoming a reality and is in the process of becoming 508 non-profit for humanitarian purposes with the mission of serving a multi-generational need through workshops and retreats created for personal empowerment and collective consciousness evolution through the healing arts.